Friday, February 03, 2006


Yesterday, I saw on the news that Muslims across the world are outraged by some political cartoon making fun of Prophet Mohammed. I know this is a very sensitive subject but when there is freedom of expression how far can it go? Is it black and white or is there a big grey area? There are times when I question this freedom. Recently I learnt that a local KKK/white supremacy group has been handing out flyers on car windshields at a local strip mall. This was especially scary for a person of my racial background to know that there are groups of people like this out there. It was quite disturbing and it's situations like this that makes me question this freedom. Personally I feel that this whole Prophet caricature situation is just blown out of proportion and I kinda like the very PC reply of the Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen where he goes "Neither the Danish government nor the Danish nation as such can be held responsible for drawings published in a Danish newspaper; A Danish government can never apologise on behalf of a free and independent newspaper and This is basically a dispute between some Muslims and a newspaper." You go gurl....fingers snapping...

Today is just one of those days. I have plenty of work to do but I'm just sitting here surfing one website after another, just asking to be fired I guess. These days I just don't have the motivation to work anymore. I guess my theory is I'm just coasting till I finally receive my Greencard then I'll be outta here but till then I'll just have stay under the radar and pretty much just...coast. It's so hard to plan my life when literally every aspect of my life depends on me being a citizen or greencard holder, sometimes I just don't feel that this is very fair but then again nobody forced me into wanting to live & work here. I could've easily gone home and gotten a pretty good job (like my brothers who also came here for school) and be around friends and family but I guess deep down I wanted more. The funny thing is the past 5 years of my life has been so focussed on obtaining a greencard that I'm afraid I might just lose that focus or direction when I actually get that darn piece of plastic but that's of no concernn for another 1-3 years.

Hari Raya celebration at Elleen's with yummy food. Elleen, Joe, Me an H2.

On a separate and more encouraging note, I have started a new workout/diet routine this week. I just got done reading "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscles" by Tom Venuto and I must say, this book has taught me a lot on how the human body works. I am applying some of his advise to my lifestyle, i.e. eating 5 small meals/day, doing cardio everyday for at least 30 mins and doing weights for 3 days (Mon, Wed & Fri). It's too soon to see any results but I hope it won't be counterproductive for I did not follow everything down to every detail. I am incorporating protein (chicken breast, egg whites, tuna, salmon) into every meal just like he advised and drinking lots of water. I'm running for 30-40 minutes everyday and doing weights every other day. But I did not set a clear goal, nor did I calculate my daily calories and body fat. Hopefully these will be too trivial and I'll still be able to see some results.

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