Monday, February 20, 2006

No Longer together...

This last weekend was a somber one. On Friday Feb 17, I decided to dissolve my 10-month oldrelationship. It was very difficult but I felt it had to be done. It was for the best for the both of us. I thought about it long and hard and had 3 main reasons for breaking up:

  1. JRM's schedule changed recently (since Dec) which resulted in extreme reduction of the time we spent together. We barely see each other on weekdays and some on weekends. I feel this is quite a significant reason.
  2. JRM will be graduating soon. There are all kinds of plans, talks about joining the Peace Corp, travelling out West etc etc. I feel it's best I get myself out of the way to make the decisions easier.
  3. And finally, I know this is tied to #2 but we are both at very different stages of our lives and probably looking for different things as well. I think it could have worked if the both of us became more stable in our lives/career.
I still question it today if I've made the right decision, it was a lot harder than I thought. I definitely feel like getting on the phone and say, "Ha ha, April's fools, this was all just a joke" but the reality is we both probably need time apart to get used to the feeling. The rest of the weekend was mediocre. The weather sucked, the clouds were gloomy and temperatures were down to single digits. I think I spent most of Sunday just laying on the couch watching TV. I don't think I even got out of my pjs. I definitely hope to remain good friends. There has been text messages and emails exchanged and I think both sides are progressing well.


Clarice said...

Sorry to hear that Nick. Like you said, it's for the better. I know it's hard, but try to just look forward. If you need something to keep you occupied during weekends temporarily, come babysit for me. Love, Munsum.

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon! You are one tough cookie!!!

Anonymous said...

Get your butt off that couch! ;P The tough decision has been made. A new journey begins in a new route. You'll be fine and he'll be fine. The feelings right now will soon pass. So...hang in there!

Tze & Yeesin said...

Sorry to hear that uncle :( Didn't know about this until we got back. We know that you will get through this just fine! Got some Malaysian junk food waiting in KC to cheer you up!!