June is Pride month. It's always a great feeling; beginning of summer and parties going on in most major and not so major US cities. This year I've only had opportunity to attend the St Louis pride which took place this past weekend. In years past I've attended celebrations in Minneapolis, Kansas City and Columbia which were all great fun. I have to say Minneapolis has everyone beat hands down (I've heard it's the 2nd biggest pride celebrations in the Nation!). Amazing thing was I had no idea that weekend I was flying in was such a festive one. It was pretty much 3 days of pure fun and partying.
Anyway I've been feeling much better and no major meltdowns recently. Last week my boss was starting to get on my case again but yesterday I've come to a realization (enlightenment almost) that it's only a freakin job! I mean, yeah the consequences would be horrible if I were to quit or be terminated but really it's only an effing job! I used to literally shake in my pants when confronted by my boss, I would overload my work just to please him but I've started to realize that I can just take it easy and if he's not happy, he's not happy. He's just not a happy man (I wouldn't either if I was him; his life is in Kentucky, he doesn't know anyone here cos he works 10-12 hour days, drives 6 hrs home every weekend...I mean what else can i say?)There's nothing I can do. I have also realized that the other engineers here don't care too much either. They don't show that much progress in our weekly meeting and they come in late and leave early so really I am like a star employee compared to them ;) ***I guess I shouldn't go so far as calling myself a "star" employee, but I guess I'm no different from everyone else!***
So Pride this past weekend in St Louis was an absolute blast. KK decided to join us in the very last minute (Oh BTW, he works/lives in KC now). He came in Friday night and rode in to St Louis the next morning with Justin and me. We had lunch with James in the Central West End and later met up with Dave and went shopping. Dinner at O'Charlie's was fun (2 words: dinner rolls).
We started the evening at Freddy's which was absolutely packed. Met Actor Alex there and pretty much stood around and talked alot of trash. It was fun. After that over to Complex we went and just like Freddy's it was packed (Pride weekend I reckon ;). Saw a bunch of peeps from Columbia and also met Kenneth+Jeff and the rest of their asian posse (No longer am I the lone asian of the group, HOLLA!) We kinda mashed into one huge group and danced our ass off.
I guess the moon and stars were alligned or something but everyone ended up gettin some! James and Alex started making out on the dance floor. A third guy (who happens to be the same guy who tried to pick me up last Winter at Faces) joined the James/Alex makeout session. Dave was his in his usual slut mode, Justin got groped and KK (the straight one) was feelin everyone up, they all loved it! What about me, you ask? Well in the last 15 mins before closing, I met this gorgeous, ripped, musclehead guy. He was majorly flirting and not before long we started making out. I don't usually do this but this guy was just gorgeous. He wanted to take me home but I politely declined (I was with my friends). I did give him my number though. So that was how the night ended. We went home and slept like babies.
The next day we went to Pride. Dave had class and James had to apt hunt, so they both flaked out. We again merged with the KC asian posse for most of the day. We ended up having a pretty good time, despite the fact that we were hungover, sleep deprived and hungry. I don't know where we get our energy, but we yelled and cheered and got a bunch of beads (mardi gras style) ;D
"He was majorly flirting and not before long we started making out.".... NICE!!!!!Did he call u yet?!?!?!?!
We've talked a little on the phone and text messaged since then. He's too cute for a r'ship, but great for having a little fun with ;) hehehe
You need to come out to San Francisco during Pride week. It's crazy here....
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